Panel discussion: Why IoT? Why is this business becoming more and more attractive again?
Moderator: Danny Sritharan, Senior Principal Consultant, Titan Global Consulting, Malaysia
Oliver Potter, Director of IoT, Truphone, UK
Eduardo Tude, CEO, Teleco, Brazil
Jignesh Dave, Founder & CEO, Next360, South Africa
What makes a successful IoT MVNO business? Where to start preparation for your MVNO IoT expansion?
Thomas Brandt-Knudsen, CCO & Partner, Cobira, Denmark
How is healthcare changing and what are the new connectivity and service opportunities within it?
Daniel Salpak, General Counsel, Keepgo, USA
IoT MVNO strategies. Case study Alai Secure, first M2M/IoT in Telco Security
Santiago Gómez, EMEA Sales Director, JSC Ingenium, Spain
Where to start if you wish to cater to the growing needs of your enterprise customers?
Jacques Bonifay, CEO, Transatel, France
Interview on stage: Expert's perspective.
David Traynor, Head of Operations, JT IoT, USA